Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Me, *again*

Yeah, well.
Much easier to blog in my head. I always get my thoughts all out, even though sometimes incoherent, I feel better. Then once I sit down, *poof*, mind is totally blank.

I actually have NOTHING to bitch about today! *shocked look*
I am hoping if I get back to blogging, maybe some of the damn "foggies" will lift. Maybe I can be myself again. Seems most days I just wander the earth with NOTHING in this head. Just a big blank space. It's put a screeching halt on my personality most days. I am like a different person from just a couple of years ago. To go from thoughts bouncing around 90mph inside a padded, semi-round cavity....to NOTHING.....too
drastic of a change. Although it has been coming on for some time, it has been happening slowly. Which has made it worse, I think. I could ignore dingy thoughts, blonde moments, and this fog-fucked brain of mine when it was just one day. Now it seems as though I have less clear, coherent days and the blank days are becoming the norm.

As a matter of fact........my house keys (and a few other semi-important keys). with my usb flash drive attached have been missing for about 2 weeks. And yes I have a set place I put things like that. Usually. No telling on foggy days *what* I actually do.
When I was on Provigil, it did help some. Mostly kept me alert enough to where the fog wasn't quite so thick. Now? I don't take it.
Anyone know of any easy way to keep track of things?
I tend to throw sticky notes out after I see it once or twice.