Saturday, May 24, 2008

Compare Gas Prices

Gas prices are close to $4 a gallon in a lot of states. It may save a bit of money to comparison shop first! Several sites are out there to help. I use to find the stations with the lowest prices in my area. The prices are updated regularly, and visitors can correct pricing errors.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Free Cone Day at Ben & Jerry's

April 29th
is free cone day at Ben & Jerry's.
Their way of saying "Thank You!" for your business.
It's their 30 year anniversary!

Participating Shops Listed at

If you are near one.......grab a cone of Chunky Monkey for me!

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Earth Hour 2008!

On Saturday, March 29, 2008, Earth Hour invites people around the world to turn off their lights for one hour – from 8:00pm to 9:00pm in their local time zone. On this day, cities around the world, including Atlanta, Chicago, Denver, Dubai, Honolulu, Melbourne, Miami, Montreal, Pheonix, San Francisco, Sydney, Toronto and Tel Aviv, will hold events to acknowledge their commitment to energy conservation.
*Earth Hour 2007 began in Syndey Australia. See Video below :)
*Google has now made their home page black......their way of joining us for Earth Hour!
*Phoenix Suns and Chicago Cubs score one for the planet and join Earth Hour.
**As of 6:21pm Eastern Time: 291103 People have signed up for Earth Hour 2008**
Join us!!!


We all know that we should recycle our old gadgets and ink cartridges. But often, this is easier said than done. I'm frequently asked where to take these items so that they can be recycled.

The United States Postal Service is launching a recycling pilot program. No, the post office won't actually take your old gadgets! Rather, it has teamed up with a recycling company. The post office will place free envelopes for recycling small gadgets and ink cartridges in its lobbies. There is no charge to mail your old gear in for recycling!

This sounds like a great way to make recycling easier for many people. However, there is just one problem with the program. Right now, it is only available in 10 areas like Los Angeles, San Diego, Washington and Chicago.

-Author Unknown....Passing along what was shared with me :)

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Me, *again*

Yeah, well.
Much easier to blog in my head. I always get my thoughts all out, even though sometimes incoherent, I feel better. Then once I sit down, *poof*, mind is totally blank.

I actually have NOTHING to bitch about today! *shocked look*
I am hoping if I get back to blogging, maybe some of the damn "foggies" will lift. Maybe I can be myself again. Seems most days I just wander the earth with NOTHING in this head. Just a big blank space. It's put a screeching halt on my personality most days. I am like a different person from just a couple of years ago. To go from thoughts bouncing around 90mph inside a padded, semi-round NOTHING.....too
drastic of a change. Although it has been coming on for some time, it has been happening slowly. Which has made it worse, I think. I could ignore dingy thoughts, blonde moments, and this fog-fucked brain of mine when it was just one day. Now it seems as though I have less clear, coherent days and the blank days are becoming the norm.

As a matter of house keys (and a few other semi-important keys). with my usb flash drive attached have been missing for about 2 weeks. And yes I have a set place I put things like that. Usually. No telling on foggy days *what* I actually do.
When I was on Provigil, it did help some. Mostly kept me alert enough to where the fog wasn't quite so thick. Now? I don't take it.
Anyone know of any easy way to keep track of things?
I tend to throw sticky notes out after I see it once or twice.